Cornerstone Enrollment Forms

Welcome to the Registration Process. Please follow all the steps below. Please direct all questions regarding the registration process to

Step 1 – Complete the Enrollment Form:  Enrollment Form

Step 2 – Please submit your Pastor letter to the registrar at  The goal of this letter is to demonstrate your family’s regular attendance and involvement in you church community.

Step 3 -Schedule your interview: instructions will be sent to you. Your patience is appreciated. Registration season is busy and we are all volunteers.

Step 4 – After the interview process is complete, the Registrar will give you a password for the Class Registration Form.

Step 5 – ID Badges – Take a clear headshot from shoulders up with a solid light background (like a wall) of your student and send in an email with the students name in the subject line to

To setup a payment plan for the classes with FACTS, click here.