Sign-up Links

Parent of the Day ~ 7:30AM-4:30PM

Parents are required to sign up for one Parent of the Day slot AND one On-call slot making sure to fill up the first semester first. We will then see where we stand to ask for the remaining slots to be filled.

NOTE:If your are signed up for a year round position (duties, tutor, board member) you are not required to sign up.

It is your responsibility to show up on-time to your duty day or find other arrangements NOT the Cornerstone Board’s job to send emails out for you. There is a family directory and Facebook page you may utilize for contact info. If you do not find coverage you will be charged up to $50 for the day and must sign up for another day.

On call – You will be on call for Parent of the Day, Set up, break down or lunch monitor positions. We will try to notify you ASAP as to if you are needed but might not know until day of. Be sure to put a contact number for notification.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Thank you!

Link for Parent of the Day Sign Up 2024/2025

Link for Parent of the Day Sign Up 2025-2026

Pizza Day ~ 11:45AM – 1:00PM

Arrive At 11:45 to help unload and set up ~ Clean up at 1:00

If you have any questions please feel free to email or txt me at 443-604-3053 Thank you!

Link for Pizza Day Volunteers

Pizza Day Order Form ~ Orders due Sunday night by 5PM

Be sure to read the form before filling it out.

If you have any questions please feel free to txt Jeanette Newland at 443-604-3053

Link for Pizza Day Order Form